Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Dwindling Path

The path is a sure one. In life we know this because we have consciousness. Death dwindles out on to the lucid lines of reality. Reality appears to be full in many a ways to assure you it exists. We have mass, volume, area and a variety of variables that prove its existence. The senses of the body do much less to confirm otherwise. But is it so? We come from the Mother and to her we will return. Into the womb of earth that cocoons and nourishes until the time of transformation comes. The living are there for the dead, as a mother is there to nurse the child and as a friend is there to comfort sorrow. The living honors the life of the dead.
  There she sits on her throne in light and in dark. Her darkness is love and humanity. Her light is the transformation and continuation of life’s journey. For all souls lost, may your return be with the ones you’ve loved and laughed with at the same time and place. It is a collective effort of the living to then support and guide the dead in death as we did in life. Longing sets into the souls of the living and pain of loss burns brightly.
    Ive said my goodbye and ive made my peace. I can only offer life’s greatest mystery, Love. Love and more love for the whole of my life of the moments and the laughs we had. The songs we sang and the dance we danced. I am honored to have been your friend and to have answered your curious questions. Know that you are immortalized within our hearts and minds, so long we shall live. I fear not of your present being in the realm of ether as Socrates once said “Be of good cheer about death and know this as a truth--that no evil can happen to a good man, either in life or after death.” Not only were you good, you were Great! Until we meet again at another time, another place, may the dawn you have awoken to be the greatest one you have ever had, Jason Chai. 

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