Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I have issues blogging.I mean really, whats the point? Part of me says its whoring literature. Then you have the more contemporary style of blogging with pictures and digital art..stuff like that. Are people so desperate to get what their thinking out there? Are your voices that suppressed or are you using your voice? Personally, its a bit of both. Not much of anything i can say out loud in the general public with out a mob with pitchforks and Blackberry's running after me. Things in text have a way of diluting or hiding expressions and tones of voices..crap like that, when dealing with people in the flesh. Being able to blog also makes it easier to just write as you wish, with out the formalities of an article or book. Even though its already been done (writing with out formalities and with out censorship) - Catcher in the rye by Salinger (1951). I don't have much interest in ranting about pointless issues but thats also one of the perks about blogging, you get to rant about..EVERYTHING. Half the stuff is just garbage but with so much oppression going on, it seems to be one of the many ways that people have come to express themselves and to get attention.Its all about the attention. For instance, take a diary/journal its become a widely accepted fact that a personal diary is private.You write things in it, intimate things, angry things, happy things and all sorts of crap..even doodle.The only down side to that is that its raw and the main point of a diary is to keep it secret ( in most cases- pity Anne Frank). So we blog, we edit, we omit and we tell half-truths or we tell the full truth covered in cryptic code or we change names. In that, I suppose blogging falls in the middle ground.It is truly a gray area. It doesn't go to the extremes of blatant rawness of a diary and it doesn't need to abide by the formalities of a publication (article. books. etc. etc.).

What i hope people get from it, is the capability to really say what they mean. You cannot put a price on expression but too much dilutes the whole point and frankly, its already diluted.Its been traded off like a 5 dollar whore and we continue to search to be able to do something more. Ive got news for ya, theres nothing that you can do that hasn't already been done. Yes, i am a pessimist. I also look pretty hypocritical at this point, blogging and bitching about blogging. I will have to justify that by saying, i write for myself in the form of which i feel most comfortable writing in. I like to discuss matters, study them and experience them. I only do what i do to inspire others to be of themselves for themselves. Fuck the rest of them. And in doing that i believe you make art. Being able to express relevant stuff with out turning in to a PMS-ing 12 year old, in order to inspire and create more. I realize I mentioned that it would become diluted. Well, it only gets that way when you don't put yourself into it.Ill bet, that theres already someone thats said what i have to say now but because I've put myself into this piece and all my other works of art. It becomes apart of me.I become more of an individual every time i do. Stop fighting imaginary wars. You either create or participate in a war for a cause or reach for peace within yourself.
To conclude, if your doing something to improve yourself and to help others become more or to even become something they weren't in the past then anything you will ever do will be worth while.

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